Pet-Inclusive (Pet-Friendly) Wedding Ceremonies

Not all groomsmen wear pants! I don't just welcome your pets as part of your ceremony, I encourage it. Invariably, including one or more pets adds an additional element of fun to the ceremony. A pet friendly, pet-inclusive wedding goes beyond dressing your pet up and having him or her walk down the aisle with you. By including the significant animals in your life you are celebrating the close and loving relationship you have with them. So whether your children or your best friends have two legs, or four legs, include them in the ceremony.

Exactly how a pet is included in the ceremony will depend on that pet's species, personality,  and the other ceremony choices you have made. It can also be influenced by where the ceremony is held. Many parks, for example, allow dogs on a leash but not running free, so that needs to be taken into account.

A pet-inclusive wedding can include a unity ritual  that includes the pet (I've developed a number of unique rituals for this purpose) or it can incorporate a formal re-naming for the pet if it is the pet of one of the marrying couple  and is being "adopted" by the new spouse.

But most of all, a pet-inclusive wedding is also a pet-friendly wedding, which means looking at the bigger picture to ensure your pet is comfortable, and safe.

more information about Pet-Friendly Weddings
read the story in US Weekly that quotes me extensively