Blog Category - Animals and Weddings

I'm a sucker for animals. Crazy cat lady. Crazy dog lady. Crazy anything with four legs lady.  Not that keen on anything with more than four legs. And I'm totally ok with two legs on both humans and non-humans. Whether they fly or not.

Add a touch of Horse Magic to your Wedding Ceremony

Successfully including your horse in your wedding ceremony takes a little preparation and a lot of love ... More ...

Ramp Up the Fun with Wildlife at your Wedding

An emerging trend is that couples are thinking beyond their own fur kids and exploring the idea of adding a wildlife element to their wedding. It is also a growing area in wedding-related businesses, so you are spoiled for choice. However, to successfully include wildlife in your wedding requires some thought and preparation   More ...

Give your Dog a Starring Role in Your Wedding

Dogs being themselves make for magic moments. All you need to do is to give your dog the
opportunity by including them in your wedding every way you can. ... More ...

Cats and Weddings - A Melt Your Heart Combination

Whatever the temperament of your kitty fur baby including them in your wedding photos is something you'll never regret. All it takes is a bit of caution and some forward planning to make sure your baby is safe and comfortable ... More ...